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4K czy już czas?

Ostatnio bardzo gorącym tematem w produkcji wideo jest zagadnienie 4K czyli filmów w wysokiej rozdzielczości, 2 razy większej niż dotychczasowy standard HD. Larry Jordan – niezależny producent wideo zadaje pytania i stara się na nie odpowiedzieć czy już czas zacząć myśleć w 4K.

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„At BVExpo 2014, I was very pleased to get the chance to revisit the current status of 4K, a topic that I had addressed in one of my presentations at the previous year’s Expo. This year I opened my presentation on 4K with a look back at how far higher-resolution shooting, editing, and distribution has progressed in the interim and what those changes have meant to our industry. Beyond just the dollars and cents, I wanted to take a look at a few of the realities of integrating high-res into our projects – some of them that might not seem so obvious.”
Larry Jordan


Hey, this photo is © Jacek Kadaj