Fractal Echoes is a short experimental film that explores the existential themes of identity, memory, and time. The story follows a protagonist who witnesses the disappearance of their reflection, triggering a surreal journey through fragmented realities. As they encounter distorted memories, alternate presents, and possible futures, the protagonist confronts the infinite versions of themselves. The […]
The great Painters and the lens of Ai
I am extremely pleased to announce my newest photography project. The project „The great Painters and the lens of Ai” is an artistic journey in which artificial intelligence transforms the works of famous masters of painting into contemporary photographs. Using advanced algorithms, AI creates photos that capture the style and essence of painters such as […]
Nepal’s Spiritual Mosaic
Religion – beliefs, rituals, ethics – is still the main factor shaping the everyday lives of most inhabitants of the highest mountains in the world – the Himalayas. In the Himalayan villages and on the routes connecting them, we will encounter countless Buddhist chortens, prayer flags, mani stone walls, prayer wheels moved by the power […]

Hasidic Jews in Leżajsk
Annually, during death anniversary of Tzadik Elimelech Weissblum thousands of devout ultra-orthodox Jews perform the pilgrimage to the Lezajsk in Poland to pay respects at the Great Jewish leader burial site. Religious rites include laying prayers on his grave, dances, singing to using him as a proxy to communicate to with God. It is also […]
Drone Showreel 2024 – 4K
Zapraszam do obejrzenia krótkiego filmu demo z ujęciami nakręconymi z drona i skorzystania z moich usług operatora ujęć filmowych z drona. Niezależnie od tego, czy Państwa film wymaga wystudiowanych ujęć architektury, wnętrz, dynamicznych scen, czy też malowniczych krajobrazów naturalnych, jestem gotowy, by sprostać każdemu wyzwaniu. Jeśli poszukują Państwo profesjonalnego operatora filmowego, który zagwarantuje realizację ciekawych […]
Holy Mountain of Grabarka
On August 19 every year, the Orthodox Church celebrates the Transfiguration of the Lord, one of the 12 Great Feasts. On this day, the Holy Mountain of Grabarka is under siege, where thousands of believers come from all over Poland and from abroad. It is a parish holiday – the main temple of the monastery […]

Holy Week in La Vila Joiosa
Procession during Holy Week in La Vila Joiosa going through the streets of the Old Town. The procession is organized by ten brotherhoods that are in charge of bringing out the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. Semana Santa (Holy Week) is a seriously big event in Spain. The processions of the hooded penitents in […]
Warszawa city Panorama in 8K
A tak wyglada Warszawa w przyspieszonym tempie w jakości 8K

Woman’s Strike 2020
WARSAW, POLAND – OCTOBER 30, 2020: Thousands of young people participate in Woman’s Strike to protest against the Constitutional Court ruling on tightening the abortion law. On October 22nd, the country’s Constitutional Tribunal ruled in favour of a ban on abortions in cases of fetal defects, tightening Poland’s restrictive abortion laws even further.
Faroe Islands
Zapraszam do zapoznania się z moim nowym albumem z cyklu The Northern Lights, tym razem mam przyjemność zaprezentować zdjęcia z malowniczych Wysp Owczych położonych na Oceanie Atlantyckim. Faroe Islands By Jacek Kadaj