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Hasidic Jews in Leżajsk
Lezajsk, Poland - March 31, 2024: Members of the Jewish diasphora during the 2024 pilgrimage of Hasidic Jews from around the world to the grave of Tzadik Elimelech Weissblum in Lezajsk near Rzeszow in South-Eastern Poland.
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Hasidic Jews in Leżajsk 

Annually, during death anniversary of Tzadik Elimelech Weissblum thousands of devout ultra-orthodox Jews perform the pilgrimage to the Lezajsk in Poland to pay respects at the Great Jewish leader burial site. Religious rites include laying prayers on his grave, dances, singing  to using him as a proxy to communicate to with God. It is also […]

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Holy Mountain of Grabarka

On August 19 every year, the Orthodox Church celebrates the Transfiguration of the Lord, one of the 12 Great Feasts. On this day, the Holy Mountain of Grabarka is under siege, where thousands of believers come from all over Poland and from abroad. It is a parish holiday – the main temple of the monastery […]

VILLAJOYOSA, SPAIN - APRIL 7, 2023: Procession during Holy Week in La Vila Joiosa going through the streets of the Old Town. The procession is organized by ten brotherhoods that are in charge of bringing out the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus.
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Holy Week in La Vila Joiosa

Procession during Holy Week in La Vila Joiosa going through the streets of the Old Town. The procession is organized by ten brotherhoods that are in charge of bringing out the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. Semana Santa (Holy Week) is a seriously big event in Spain. The processions of the hooded penitents in […]

WARSAW, POLAND - OCTOBER 28, 2020: Thousands of young people participate in Woman’s Strike to protest against the Constitutional Court ruling on tightening the abortion law. On October 22nd, the country's Constitutional Tribunal ruled in favour of a ban on abortions in cases of fetal defects, tightening Poland's restrictive abortion laws even further.
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Woman’s Strike 2020

WARSAW, POLAND – OCTOBER 30, 2020: Thousands of young people participate in Woman’s Strike to protest against the Constitutional Court ruling on tightening the abortion law. On October 22nd, the country’s Constitutional Tribunal ruled in favour of a ban on abortions in cases of fetal defects, tightening Poland’s restrictive abortion laws even further.

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„Marsz Tysiąca Tóg”

„Marsz Tysiąca Tóg”. Protest sędziów w Warszawie Sędziowie z Polski i innych państw europejskich protestowali w Warszawie 11.01.2020 roku pod hasłem: „Prawo do niezawisłości, Prawo do Europy”. „Marsz Tysiąca Tóg” przeszedł w milczeniu. Przed Pałacem Prezydenckim sędzia Waldemar Żurek odczytał apel do prezydenta Andrzeja Dudy o to, aby ten stał się samodzielnym politykiem. Relacja z […]

WARSAW, POLAND - June 1, 2019. Participants coated in paint celebrate healthiness, peace, individuality at unique colorful 5 km run event called The Color Run. Event is an annual fun run event held in cities around the world.
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The Color Run 2019

The Color Run 2019, Warszawa. 1 czerwca tysiące osób wystartowało spod PGE Narodowego, aby pokonać najszczęśliwsze 5 km. The Color Run nazywany jest najbardziej kolorowych biegiem na świecie, ponieważ uczestnicy na trasie obsypywani są kolorowymi proszkami. Co więcej, nie liczy się wynik, a doskonała zabawa. Zapraszam do obejrzenia zdjęć z tego wydarzenia: The Color Run […]

Sunset over Kleifarvatn Lake on Reykjanes Peninsula‎, Iceland

The northern lights ICELAND

Ukazała się nowa publikacja – The northern lights ICELAND, która dostępna jest do zakupu w internetowej księgarni Blurb: Iceland By Jacek Kadaj

Several thousand people march throught the center of Warsaw, Poland on January 14, 2019 in commemoration of Pawel Adamowicz, Mayor of Gdansk, who was stabbed on stage on Sunday during a national charity event and died of wounds in a hospital a day after.
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Stop nienawisci

Pod hasłem „Stop Nienawiści” przeszedł ulicami Warszawy 14.01.2019 marsz milczenia w Warszawie. Uczestniczyły w nim tysiące osób zasmuconych tragiczną śmiercią prezydenta Gdańska Pawła Adamowicza w dniu 13.01.2019. Podobne wydarzenia odbyły się w całej Polsce.

WARSAW, POLAND - AUGUST 19, 2017: Maria Peszek performs live on the stage during the Meskie Granie concert 2017 in Warsaw. Meskie Granie (Mens Playing) concerts are one of the top events in Poland leading the best Polish music artists.
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MEskie Granie

Fotoreportaż z warszawskiego przystanku Męskiego Grania: 2017 i 2018 roku. Na zdjęciach: Maria Peszek, Dawid Podsiadło, Daria Zawiałow, Katarzyna Nosowska, Tomasz Lipnicki i zespół Illusion, Snowman

Hey, this photo is © Jacek Kadaj