I am extremely pleased to announce my newest photography project. The project „The great Painters and the lens of Ai” is an artistic journey in which artificial intelligence transforms the works of famous masters of painting into contemporary photographs. Using advanced algorithms, AI creates photos that capture the style and essence of painters such as […]
Nepal’s Spiritual Mosaic
Religion – beliefs, rituals, ethics – is still the main factor shaping the everyday lives of most inhabitants of the highest mountains in the world – the Himalayas. In the Himalayan villages and on the routes connecting them, we will encounter countless Buddhist chortens, prayer flags, mani stone walls, prayer wheels moved by the power […]
Hasidic Jews in Leżajsk
Annually, during death anniversary of Tzadik Elimelech Weissblum thousands of devout ultra-orthodox Jews perform the pilgrimage to the Lezajsk in Poland to pay respects at the Great Jewish leader burial site. Religious rites include laying prayers on his grave, dances, singing to using him as a proxy to communicate to with God. It is also […]
Holy Mountain of Grabarka
On August 19 every year, the Orthodox Church celebrates the Transfiguration of the Lord, one of the 12 Great Feasts. On this day, the Holy Mountain of Grabarka is under siege, where thousands of believers come from all over Poland and from abroad. It is a parish holiday – the main temple of the monastery […]
Holy Week in La Vila Joiosa
Procession during Holy Week in La Vila Joiosa going through the streets of the Old Town. The procession is organized by ten brotherhoods that are in charge of bringing out the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. Semana Santa (Holy Week) is a seriously big event in Spain. The processions of the hooded penitents in […]
My chcemy Boga – fotoreportaż
Fotoreportaż 11 listopada 2017 roku w Święto Niepodległości przez Warszawę przeszedł Marsz Niepodległości środowisk narodowo-nacjonalistycznych pod hasłem „My chcemy Boga”, w którym wzięło udział kilkadziesiąt tysięcy osób. Pod egidą dwóch największych organizacji narodowych – ONR i Młodzieży Wszechpolskiej uczestnicy marszu protestowali przeciwko wszystkiemu, co uważali za podważanie polskich, katolickich wartości. Skrajnie prawicowi uczestnicy marszu zdecydowanie […]